How to Change Your Mindset for Success → Why Your Mindset Matters

Success is a Mindset

Takeaway: If you find you are struggling to be at the level of success you aspire to be and growing in frustration or negative self-talk, you will benefit from focusing and changing your mindset. A person’s mindset contributes substantially to their success, personally or professionally and be the change you need.

Table of Contents

Can I change my mind

We often consciously make changes in life. We change the look of our home, leave jobs, switch majors in school, become vegan… the list of changes we make are endless. However, can you actually change your mind

And if you could, why would you? The good news is, yes. You can. The reason why this is good news is that many of us have been living out old beliefs that are keeping us stuck. All the while thinking that making external changes will make things better. That works sometimes, but often, we continue to feel unsatisfied and not where we want to be in life. Sustainable change comes from shifts in the mind. How is your current pattern of thinking holding you back?

Are you doing what you want to do?  

Where do you find joy?

Do you feel life has become routine and feels like it passing you by?

Now, change at this level doesn’t happen overnight. It does take some training.  Training your brain to think differently can actually, physically change your brain. This is due to the neuroplasticity of the brain structure. This feature of the brain actually supports the growth of new brain cells to make new neural connectivity. 

Why is this important? Because if you are trying to succeed in something, and this could be a job, a hobby, a relationship… yet always end up frustrated and feeling like a failure instead, then changing your brain through healthy and positive measures, will fundamentally change your mindset.

“You’ve got to win in your mind before you win in your life”. – John Addison

Success is a mindset

The choice should come from the thought “I want to change my mind”.  It shouldn’t be a type of “dare” to yourself to see if it “works or not”.  It does. But as the old saying goes “If you think you can you can. If you think you can't, you can’t. Both are right.

A mindset is a culmination of years of internal programming taken from all your various experiences, education, upbringing and culture. It’s a pattern of thinking and looking at the world based on a set of beliefs created from this life culmination.

 Your mindset influences how you think, feel, and behave in most any given situation and ultimately provides your brain with the blueprint of how to run your life. 

Success is a concept that means different things to different people. It could be status, achievement, making (a lot) of money, fame and so forth. However, whatever your interest and definition of success is, there is the underlying and profound importance of mindset

To be successful is to feel, think and believe in yourself as a success. 

Success is a mindset that focuses on growth, perseverance and sees possibilities as well as opportunities. It’s a mindset that holds a positive belief in oneself and will see set-backs as feedback and learning.

If your inner self-talk is one of negativity, focusing on failures and not doing or being good enough, you are not operating from a success mindset. That kind of thinking can actually prevent you from achieving the success you want or when you do achieve it, risk losing it. (Think self-sabotage). 

A Success Mindset can involve feeling good, feeling connected, having the things you want, enjoying the time you have and loving the life you have, in the moment - while you strive towards your goals.

Changing your mindset towards that of success, changes the blueprint and can change your life. 

How to actually change your mind

Our brains tend to gravitate towards what is familiar. This is the reason why we often get stuck on old (familiar) programming that is deeply embedded in our subconscious. So deep in fact, that we don’t even have to think about it. We just fall into the familiar feeling and continue operating the same way, day-by-day, week-to-week… same old thinking, same old habits, same results.  

Here are five ways you can challenge your brain to change your mind:

  1. Starting a habit and changing existing ones

  2. Exercise, allow your brain to release endorphins to reduce stress and increase happiness

  3. Meditate to disengage the stress response

  4. Walk outdoors, preferably in nature, without listening to electronics

  5. Improve your sleep to allow your brain optimum time to  repair and restore

After choosing your challenge, it is important to repeat, repeat and repeat again! New neural pathways are strengthened into habits through  practice and repetition.

Growth Mindset Words

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. –Joyce Meyer

Growth Mindset aligns with a Success Mindset and it is the words we tell ourselves throughout the day that further embeds into our mindset, what we are choosing to believe. Thus, the words we choose are crucial to ensuring that the blueprint of your mind is the one YOU are consciously creating and want.

Words have power! Here are several growth mindset words to start incorporating into building a success mindset: resilience, possibility, opportunity, receptive, responsive, willing and optimistic!

You can use phrases such as, “I’m always learning.” “I’ll try a different approach.” “Something good will come out of this!” “What am I not seeing that can help me see this differently?” “Change is good

With a success mindset, the possibilities are endless!!!

Mindset coaching is an excellent way to get the one-one-one coaching to identify specifically the inner mindset patterns and personalized techniques to help you make the changes you need, quicker! 

What’s next?

If you’re ready to bring your life to the next level of success, abundance, happiness and better health, call me for a free consult on what would best work for you! No need to wait for an emotional crisis or more time and years to pass by.

Jacqueline Connors, MA is a Psychotherapist and Transformative Mindset Coach who has worked in the private and public sector in leadership roles.  She is trained in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP), Brain-Based Coaching and Lean Management. Jacqueline has a unique blend of skill sets derived from psychology, business and neuroscience and an understanding of how to apply the best from each discipline into an effective coaching experience.

Jacqueline Connors, MA

High Level Therapy and Life Coaching for Individuals and Businesses.

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