Get highly impactful & transformative 1:1 vip coaching day With Seasoned Coach

A highly impactful, highly transformative 1:1 day that is unlike any other!

This intensive performance improvement coaching day will help you be more effective and influential in your personal and professional life.

Unpack in a day what takes people years learning, fixing, healing and trying to change on their own.

This vip coaching day will be One of the most valuable investments in your life!

Jacqueline Connors, Rapid Transformational Therapy
VIP Success Coaching

what if you could take the best from self-help information, therapy, coaching, neuroscience…and have it customized effectively for you so you can finally reach your goals?

What if you could do this in one-day without reading one more self-help book, attending another retreat, doing more trainings and wasting more time?

vip coaching

A pefromance improvement coaching day that breaks through internal subconscious barriers and makes you more effective!

get Impactful Mindset Shifts through…

  • We will apply elements from Mental Coaching. Why? Because mental coaching is not only applied to sports performance. It’s highly effective and useful in any endeavor in life that would benefit from doing something better! You will learn the tools of high performers and apply them effectively into your life.

  • We will effectively get to root issues quickly through this highly powerful hybrid therapy that combines the best from hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy. Working with a highly experienced professional who is qualified in all these areas specifically.

  • We will focus deeply on the Subconscious. Why? Because our default and automatic thinking come from the subconscious which thousands of times more powerful than the conscious mind and the root of your mindset. The subconscious can changes quickly with hypnotherapy and repetition. You will make the deep subconscious changes necessary and specific to you in these programs.

vip coaching

what can happen in your 1:1 vip coaching day?

vip coaching

Strategize the life you want

  • We will develop a crystal clear vision of what you want in life going forward and have a plan and strategy to get you there.

vip coaching

Overcome old patterns of thinking

  • You will have a deep dive Rapid Transformational Therapy session in your area of choice

    You will get a powerful and personalized hypnosis recording to rewire the limiting beliefs and solidify new supportive ones.

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program new beliefs to increase success

  • We will identify what holds you back, why it holds you back and how it sabotages the hard work and effort you put in trying to overcome it.

    You will learn how to powerfully apply methods to get what you want in your life

Because of the nature of this one-day intensive, it is a highly selective process.

The work is a deep dive into the limiting programs of old beliefs in your subconscious mind. It is customized work based on neuroscience which will fit your personal learning style and get you real results. If you would like to see if we are a good fit for this program, schedule a discovery call directly with me.

This vip day will address long-held issues such as:

  • Never feeling good enough (personally or professionally)

  • Negative or punishing internal self-talk

  • Over thinking things

  • Second-guessing yourself

  • Anxious thinking

  • Living on autopilot and never feeling fully satisfied with things

THIS VIP day will give you tools to:

  • Be a more effective leader

  • Be masterful in having difficult conversations

  • Lead with authority and influence

your impactful vip coaching day will include:

  1. A deep dive Life Strategy session to clearly map out the life transformation you desire as you overcome blocks that hold you back

  2. Life changing Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) session

  3. Powerful personalized mental programming audio to rewire limiting beliefs and solidify the new supportive ones

  4. Mental Coaching to help reinforce re-wiring your mind with new thinking patterns to increase personal strength, confidence, even attraction, in your area of choice (relationship, career, personal development, health/physical or other).

  5. Subconscious clearing techniques that heals and transforms to bring in what you desire in life and more!

Personal Investment $3,800

About me

I'm Jacqueline Connors, MA, a Licensed Psychotherapist who specializes in Psychoanalysis. I am also a Mindset Performance Coach and a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner with expertise in Energy Medicine and Neurolinguistics Programming. I help individuals from diverse backgrounds, professions, and interests eliminate old thinking patterns and heavily conditioned emotions that get in the way of reaching what they want and removing themselves from what they don’t want!

After working in the private and public sector in leadership roles, I discovered that helping individuals reach their potential and transform their life through shifts at the subconscious level was my passion! As a therapist, I know that on-going talk-therapy is limiting.

I provide a unique blend of experience and skill sets derived from psychology, brain-based coaching, energy medicine and neuroscience with an understanding of how to extract the best from each discipline into the optimum coaching experience so you manifest what you want in life. Yes, it is possible!!

Whether you are a professional wanting to overcome self-doubt or just wanting to live your best life now, this is for you!

I look forward to getting to you to that incredible place in life!

Life does not wait! A new beginning can start today.