Treat anxiety from the root cause and not just manage symptoms.
We get to the root cause that lies in the subconscious. I do not rely strictly on traditional talk therapy but instead provide a customized, integrative approach that is personalized for you.
You will start to feel more empowered and in control sooner, be able to make better choices, have better experiences while seeing improvements in other areas of your life.
This is for you if…
You work so hard trying to improve your life but life still feels like a struggle.
You have read all kinds of self-help books, attended workshops, on-going talk therapy but still feel frustrated with the lack of meaningful results.
You are ready to experience profound changes and improve relationships
You want to overcome feelings of regret, shame, and guilt.
If this is you and you are ready to do the work, I have put together a program that is effective and emerging in this concept of transformative changes.
More importantly, it will jumpstart and upgrade your life in a short amount of time.
TRYING TO MANAGE ANXIETY (without falling apart)
Most people are very familiar with feelings of anxiety. Anxiety transcends any culture, age, gender. It is a normal emotion that comes with life and our bodies' response to emotional, physical, or social challenges.
Anxiety can be beneficial in some situations but for so many people, across the globe, anxiety has become detrimental, even a medical problem that affects everything from health, learning, relationships, career and reaching goals.
“I can’t stop worrying; I worry about everything!”
“I have trouble sleeping and concentrating. I try to hide it and people think I’m fine, but I’m dying inside!”
“I am always thinking the worse and I can’t help it!”
“It started a year ago… out of the blue. I was at work, and it came from nowhere. I thought I was dying. I’ve had a few panic attacks since and now I live in dread of when it’ll happen again because I have no idea. It is always unexpected.”
Do thoughts like this sound familiar to you?
If so, know you are not alone. These are just a few statements that my clients tell me they are suffering from when they start my program. There are many, many more.
Most of my clients come to me because they have tried many of the common tools advised to help alleviate anxiety symptoms, but it only provided temporary relief.
Anxiety is very difficult to “think yourself better” just by relying on positive thinking and deep breathing. Many times, the issues are deeper and so automatic that it just becomes who we are.
I help individuals suffering from all levels of anxiety to get unstuck. To help them rewire their brain to a healthy level where they have control over emotions, control over ruminating thoughts and ultimately control in their life.
This includes but not limited to:
Social Anxiety
Fears (Public Speaking, Driving, Career Advancement, Flying)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Panic Attacks
My approach is effective, unique, and more importantly customized to the individual.
Although anxiety is a common disorder, every person is unique in how they acquired it, experience it and coping styles are different. What works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for another.
We get to the root cause using techniques such as Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) which is a combination of hypnotherapy and neuroscience in conjunction with psychotherapy.
A Better kind of therapy
I am a clinical therapist and have supervised many therapists and counselors in the field. I have also created and implemented programs in the private and public sectors. I have a strong understanding and experience of seeing what works and what is limited in efficacy and what doesn’t work.
Our one-to-one work and the programs I have developed here are highly transformative, goes deep and helps make changes at all levels in your life.
Our brains are like a computer and if you are operating from the same type of thinking you did for decades, this brain upgrade is designed perfectly for you.
Rapid Transformation Therapy is a revolutionary method of therapy can help you to achieve phenomenal, permanent outcomes and understand the root causes of your issue, not merely place a Band Aid over the symptoms. Understanding is power, and once you have understanding you will be able to to heal and rewire your thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors.
Your mind and your body already know how to heal, all they simply need is a bit of guidance. Our lives are a product of past beliefs and programming. We have all had experiences that shape the way we think, behave, feel. RTT empowers you to remove the weight of these experiences and overcome them.
Rapid Transformational Therapy originally developed by Marissa Peer, is a combination of the most valuable aspects of Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Psychotherapy. By communicating directly with your unconscious mind, RTT enables you to uncover the age-appropriate meaning and interpretation attached to events that are causing the Anxiety. RTT rewires into your unconscious healthier and more beneficial beliefs and patterns. Habits of action are caused by habits of thought. By changing the thinking behind your actions, you are free to change your behavior.
If you are suffering from any of the following issues, please consider scheduling your free consultation immediately.
The anxiety is interfering with daily tasks
Ongoing history of anxiety
The anxiety is accompanied by insomnia
Frequent Panic Attacks